Preston RAM Installation and Elevation
24th November 2016
Due to the unfortunate hospitalisation of our Senior Warden Bro. Derek Gravner. Our current W. C. John Thornton volunteered  to continue in office for a further year.
W. Paul Snape RAMGR Bro. Gowan O’Hagan being congratulated by the
W.C. John Thornton 7 W. Bro. Stephen Leach RAMGR
He was duly proclaimed by W. Bro. A. Shaw Pr.RAMGR as W.C. For the ensuing year. He was then congratulated by W. Bro. Stephen Leach RAMGR representing the R.W. P.G.M.
We were also in the fortunate position of having a candidate available for elevation. So advantage was taken to elevate Bro. Gowan O’Hagan a member of Progress Mark Lodge.
W. Bro. Paul Snape W. Bro. Don Richardson W. Bro. John Thornton
W. C.  W. Bro. Stephen Leach RAMGR W. Bro. Ross Kinder RAMGR
Who was duly elevated in a dignified manner by the W.C.. John Thornton, with the help of W. bro. Andy Baker Pr.RAMGR who explained the Working Tools,  W.Bro. Peter Watson Pr.RAMGR
Who explained the steps and W. Bro. Tony Shaw who explained the signs of the degree. The Lodge was then closed in harmony and all repaired to the dining room, for a sample of Garstang’s  
Extremely good Steak & Ale Pie.
Words and pictures by Tony Shaw